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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EST

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everything you. are talking about the big fish. markets need america's plunge off the fiscal cliff while the republicans and democrats go about how to pull the safety record. number of dead in the moscow plane crash rises to divert investigators begin the painstaking probe into the accident he revealed the tragic sequence of events. from painful austerity in europe and evil across the arab world to the rise of political awareness in russia some time and you page to twenty thirteen captures all the twists and turns of the outgoing year.
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around the world and around the clock this is r.t.m. kerry just the united states has all but begun its plunge off the fiscal cliff at least on the markets and with last minute talks between republicans and democrats falling apart yet again america could be in for a hard landing of wall street is in full retreat seeing five straight days of sun offs as product investors jump ship yesterday at six hundred billion dollars worth of tax hikes and federal cuts are slated to come into force in america and a deal to avert that is still nowhere in sight and was artie's going to take on reports the makings of this crisis were there for all to see. the u.s. congress created this cliff situation when they failed to agree on a budget that would help the country reduce its deficit and its you monger's debt and what they did was what they usually do they put off those important decisions
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until a certain deadline that deadline is now so they came up with this scary word cliff to create lots of drama around what should be the ordinary maybe somewhat boring working process of any congress or parliament that has to agree on a budget the need to deadlines so the cliff which actually describes the mode in which the congress is working their inability to make decisions until the very very last minute the cliff that u.s. lawmakers have artificially created could become very real for the american people the vast majority of them over one thousand government programs would be cut it would hit the unemployed very hard they would stop getting unemployment benefits there would be other automatic cuts and tax hikes that would mostly affect those who are financially insecure but everyone knows even if the lawmakers don't meet the january first deadline they can pass measures retroactively and at the end of
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the day they will decide something but congress seems to love the drama of the whole cliff situation they have all the attention in the world and literally the whole world the media of course help them hype it up with the countdown they started two months ago and while politicians here are enjoying all that attention turning last minute trick scoring political points the hype around the scary word cliff is already hurting the economy experts say it's affecting business and consumer confidence if wall street is any indicator stocks have been falling for a fifth straight day on friday they called it a fiscal cliff slide other markets are reaching signals of certainty coming from the u.s. oil prices have soared in the asian markets ahead of a last minute effort in washington to. a deal on fiscal cliff that's what you read in the news so this whole charade in washington could have implications on many levels and the fiscal cliff which some call a product of u.s.
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lawmakers imagination could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. trying to find your way through a complex tax system is not enough in the u.k. . to help them navigate it that's coming up later. another crew member has died in hospital after a passenger jet crashed at one of moscow's busiest airports it brings the number of dead to three others are still fighting for their lives the red wings' plane skidded off the runway and right into the bank of a major highway on saturday experts believe bad weather breaks or simply could have led to the tragedy. unfolded the twenty ninth of december the last working day of two thousand and twelve in russia. business is. the next here families. jump into their cars and escape the busy capital.
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highway heads to the west of moscow region where most of the luxury states and country houses are located traffic jams are common this time of the day and this time of the year but want to lock the road is almost. passengers come out of the car to see what the sound was think sex to see anything but no fish. just minutes before that and similar to all for what number ninety six i think is when the little i post the first times is unsuccessful the plane makes a wrong over the airport and begins to send in for a second time when they sign the plane touches down but can stall the experienced
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crew at that moment very slightly knows already they will not make it the jets reaches the end of the runway runs into the fence but still continues moving it finally solves after overrunning the asteroid by four hundred meters the plane breaks into three parts that tail is lying over the whole year the road people can easily see its number or a fix for four seven the middle part just bog misses away the cockpit already partially damaged after the crash with a science falls right at the edge of the highway it's a miracle indeed the road is empty at that time this is a ten lane highway the wreckage is only on one of the lanes traffic continues on at least three here even after the tragedy that is fashioned by slowing down to see what happened they lifted and measure and possibly slide on the road the very road they usually drive every friday and everybody sings a sad moment course if i'd have come minutes earlier or was eve i'd have been on
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that airplane people come out of their cars and try to help out those in the cockpit how ready that. weather conditions technical failure and pilot error are among the investigators main causes of the incident was most likely a combination of reasons behind a fatal crash however a plane hitting a busy highway in one of europe's biggest cities could have last a much more devastating trail of destruction there wasn't enough luck for everyone on that saturday evening. national party moscow region. well for expert opinion on what may have caused the crash or more details about the plane itself you can head to r.t. dot com all that and much more is there for you right now. well there are many things you might want to spend your hard earned cash on this holiday season but
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filing your tax return probably isn't one of them however millions of people in britain are doing just that and having to pay a premium rate for official telephone help lines. as well. your annual tax return a process that many adults find utterly daunting and perplexing luckily for the british public the tax man has a whole of way of telephone helplines to help and advise people on how to fill in the piles of forms needed for it getting through to someone might be a bit of a problem though britain is spending watchdog says that last year some twenty million phone calls went on our by the government tax office and of those lucky enough to get through between the months of april and september over six million people had to wait for over ten minutes just to get an answer from someone and i've decided to give him revenue and customs premium priced phone line a call to find out how long it would take me to get through to them.
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i've spent over three and a half minutes waiting for someone to pick up the phone. last year customers spent an estimated thirty three million pounds in call charges just waiting to get through to somebody at the tax department exposing what critics call a shameful level of service him revenue and customs have released a statement saying that they've lowered the cost of calls to one of their premium phone lines the most popular one they also say that they're aware that they weren't able to deliver the standard of service that they're committed to in the past however they're now answering over ninety percent of the calls that are made to them but ultimately critics say that it's the complicated u.k. tax code that spans over seventeen thousand pages that british citizens find it so hard to get their head around and it's the telephone providers that are responsible for the helplines that cashing in on all the tax confusion well look
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back to be events that shape the year twenty two world is coming your way to a short break. so how much does it take to get into russian politics how many hours of hard work and how many patriotic deeds does it take to become one of the people who make the decisions in the world's largest country well i'll tell you how much it takes exactly seven point five million euros russia's federal investigative committee has a stablish that allegedly hey of and constantine should show from faire russia and the commies prospectively promised for a fee to get a businessman on to their party's electoral lists getting him a spot in the lower house of the duma the investigators have forwarded the state duma an official request to strip the two m.p.'s of their parliamentary immunity
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and you're darn right they better street have their parliamentary immunity stripped i mean what's worse than government corruption some people in the government being so corrupt they can actually sell the government itself to someone for a fee so positions in parliament corruption on this high of a level needs to be punished severely breaking rocks in siberia or worse sounds pretty good to me tolerating flagrant corruption does not a great civilization make but that's just my opinion. download the official publication to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just doesn't sit well with your mobile device so you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere.
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something. thousands of meters of ice broke. the law. that is a lure for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it to a distance. is easy to.
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eat. six. wealthy british style. that's not on to the title of five dollars. is not a better. market so why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars a report on. the fallout from the arab spring together with desperate street battles and debt hits
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europe heated presidential races but i think russia and the u.s. as a new year noakes out the door we look back on the easy legacy of twenty twelve. find out what critics have to point it wow has reached its end along with the mayan calendar. but it looked more like this. a decade or more is a. good year for a new. well we're still here and when it comes down to it the world not only didn't end but very little changed in two thousand and twelve we have the same challenges facing the globe the same conflicts preventing peace the same policies hampering solutions and many of the same people in power as we come into twenty thirteen so what will twenty twelve be remembered for let's
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take a look back. for some in gaza their world did end when israel launched a short but deadly campaign in response to rockets fired by hamas after one of their leaders was assassinated the u.s. solidly backed israel but critics claim the use of disproportionate force has become too common a practice for the israeli defense force journalists also being targeted and children becoming casualties it has the same policy if you like the united states with regard to collateral damage that it's happy to injure dozens of palestinian men women and children as long as they can kill one person who might have helped fire a rocket into israel shortly after a cease fire palestine celebrated gaining u.n. nonmember status but it's still a long way from statehood as is the region from a peaceful two state solution between israel and palestine this while conflict
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continues to rage in neighboring syria you know that trouble possibly stay running his country. he has to go assad must go. about demands and predictions that syria's president would fall and twenty twelve when unfulfilled he sat down for an exclusive interview with r.t. well into the year insisting he would not give up as the push for regime change continued and terror reigned in his country i'm not popular it was in me but with the with for twenty other countries i'm sick and i mean. i made in syria and i have to be fit in but it's going to be deemed everything from civil war to sectarian fighting to terrorism to genocide syria stay the center of a media war through out twenty twelve with unconfirmed atrocities on both sides haunting the web and only one side taking the brunt of the blame for assad is crazy he's a brutal dictator reese killing his own people this is the same narrative that we've
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heard about gadhafi. but we didn't hear much about libya in two thousand and twelve on most networks or from western officials not until the aftermath of regime change there and the terror that ensued went too far the u.s. ambassador and embassy staff were killed in benghazi in september the most significant event two thousand and twelve is the failure of nato to follow up on its own its libyan momentum to create a forced regime change through proxy. mercenaries in syria and the fact that russia and china and iran stood firm on. the entire time table that nato at that in mind to run this destabilisation. and now the entire arab spring scenario is is it's not the senate great it's becoming a nightmare one that spread to western allies in the region like bahrain where mass
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protests arrest and even death haven't provoked much global media coverage or any push for democracy. instead provocations like the film the innocence of a muslim made headlines and incited outrage across the arab world funded in the u.s. and considered highly offensive to islam the movie didn't go over well in states now run by islamist after post revolution polls in egypt and tunisia. u.s. embassies were left in shambles as flags burned and freedom of speech was back on the debate table tonight the film was banned in some countries like russia and defended by others like the states as a protected right of expression a right not awarded to whistleblowers like julian assange and who had a busy year and. he was granted political asylum by ecuador after being released on bail while the waiting a british court's decision on his extradition to sweden for most of twenty twelve
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assigned to remain under house arrest but still managed to find a way to leak and change the world tomorrow his groundbreaking exclusive interview show premiered on r t asylum sat down with guests shunned by the mainstream media like hezbollah hassan nasrallah an internet freedom activist the cypherpunks the future of the internet i think i have no journalist with the salt in the world working today has not used a wiki leaks cable whether it be at the lowest level of covering their local health center to the idea of schools or education let alone geo politics still many journalists slammed the songes work on r.t. and he continues to be a man the west and mainstream media love to hate while he remains holed up at the ecuadorian embassy in london fearing u.k. officials will grab him the moment he steps outside.
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protests ripped across europe in two thousand and twelve as the euro crisis worsened leaving many no choice but to go out onto the streets and so many people are becoming desperate people of god getting angrier and angrier spain had millions on the street at a time demanding the government stop cuts and demos continued in greece who got a forty four billion euro bailout masses were met with heavy handed policing in most countries across the e.u. which was awarded a nobel peace prize in twenty twelve. they ultimately if there are too many protests won't even be able to afford the policemen on the streets and therefore we could actually end up not so much with a violent reaction from government but there's actually a danger of anarchy because government itself may break down but it is. not the case in the us where the occupy movement lost momentum of this year corporate backed media and authorities managed to dull demonstrations demanding economic equality and responsibility is one of
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a party there you know you wait for occupy to expand from its needs and from that. you know usually you write it by the elites as a bunch of anarchists or students who know how to seem better to do it is to organize themselves politically something the group is promising in twenty thirteen with some predicting the old ws movement might have better luck in europe. russia saw protests this year leading up to and after vladimir putin was elected for a third time as president but not nearly as big as what we saw at the end of twenty eleven i think the demonstrations in russia would motivated by frustration the demonstrators had a clear political goal which was to discredit the of the reputation of president putin to be going to russia knowing that those that president putin and you know russian were going to win the election they had no choice they had. no beating in the election so they try to that's what he was instead discredited used to be icy
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west just before putin's inauguration protest in central moscow turned violent for the first time since the recent opposition movement began rallying arrests were made in both protesters and police reported injuries several demonstrators face court hearings on charges of inciting mass public disorder and a dozen more trials will carry on in the new year with the opposition claiming this is all part of a kremlin clamp down on their movement but putin's reelection and protest didn't get nearly as much attention as this. was the riots rock riot on the altar of christ the savior and the scandal that followed made world headlines took over the blogosphere and had celebrities like madonna defending them or the russian orthodox church was outraged you know there is no defense in this case it's simple p.r. lawyers on cooking up on ali fear they're working towards the brand in order to
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capitalize on it in the future and it's worked some of the groups girls got two years in jail for the stunt which was criticized by the west as too harsh the story made in the headlines for weeks on end leaving little room for stories like this. thank you very much the way u.s. presidential candidate jill stein and her running mate arrested for protesting outside a debate for top party only candidates obama and romney the american system is designed to eliminate political opposition like some of the you know dictatorships that we criticize the debate makes a mockery of our democracy despite being on the ballot in a not states to technically win stein and other candidates were not allowed to debate and got almost no coverage in the lead up to elections on the u.s. networks and. third party candidates only chance to debate live on television was
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from artie's washington studio i think our founding fathers would be spinning it in their graves if they could see this. in line with polls and projections obama won the election but his work is cut out for him along with other world leaders for the year to come a rough economy growing discontent and conflicts either standing still or raging wild and he's now a party. so what has gripped your attention this year we can tell us via twitter hash tag your messages with our t. recall to share your thoughts on twenty twelve. well that's it for me for now but stay with us so for the week sporting highlights with kate coming up in a few minutes.
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riches soften enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you're soft as a horse breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of bike all his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses were there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes they bites as well it's part of my every day life. i home suburban home to it makes brats like you just saw for centuries most still live off the land of cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in
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the morning the catch is always good. we always have enough here. if by call is often called the pearl of siberia and horn is said to be the pearl of by call it's a lend of fake forests. and vast staps. it's also a place of ancient traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its customs well. you see pillars like this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asks a. spirits to make their journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was
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cornish quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and the real seekers but those used to five star pampering maybe and for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even running water for most people a tent is the only eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. you believe you and your need to buy coal can be a unique trip of a lifetime and the local say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and again.
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hello welcome to the arty sports show with me take partridge and hear the stories making the headlines. clash of the titans inspires there's got to be scarring over time in a close sport are we deliberate ensuite petersburg. plus one of the strikes islands are going to have netted this beauty and say it's got three to win it involved up that isn't the best goal in the first half of the season we have the top ten. and the ice king returns a figure skater yevgeny pollution goes shrugs up a back injury to secure a stunning ten russian national crown in sochi. and let's start on the ice where
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captain belval that suit grabbed a vital goal is time scott beat scott in overtime in the all me to be instant peaches back to avenge last october's defeat roberts fought on young will. some more you will discover his side by the about soup you've never known before. others just sit back and admire. the man with out of this world but control produces a clean vote a check on one of the league's giants you know duty and that's how this army darby the exhaust. opens through better books on the fall flea. here for a second but the hosts quote is the suit was in control then and pieces like. moments before the seconds are mission.


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